Authors > Tom Milton

No Way to Peace

An American working in Argentina during its war of terror in the 1970s falls in love with a young woman who has fled her country for unknown reasons. From her and his friends whose lives are threatened by the war, he learns the meaning of courage and commitment.

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The Admiral's Daughter

A young woman from an old plantation family in Mississippi opposes her father on racial integration in the early 1960s. Suspecting that her father, a white supremacist, is killing civil rights activists in Mississippi, she pursues the truth so that she can finally free herself from a legacy of guilt and hatred.

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All the Flowers

A gifted young singer with unshakable faith tries to stop her twin brother from enlisting in the army and going to fight in Vietnam to prove to his father that he is a man. Accompanied by a pianist who falls in love with her when he hears her sing, she tries to save her brother but her faith is tested by events.

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An American security agent is assigned to work in Madrid with a woman who is a member of a Spanish counterterrorism team on the mission of stopping a terrorist attack. The plot involves the use of laundered money to buy weapons of mass destruction that will be directed at an unknown target in New York City.

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A Shower of Roses

Eva was following the way of her patron, St. Therese of Lisieux, by doing little things for people as a pediatric nurse when she fell in love with Marek, a Polish exile. They are married and living in London in the spring of 1981, and as Marek tries to liberate his homeland from Russia he draws Eva into a world of political intrigue and tests her faith.

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Sarah's Laughter

A woman in her mid-thirties is trying unsuccessfully to get pregnant. Her hope is kept alive by a dream in which she hears God tell her husband that she will have a baby. When something unexpected happens it looks as if her dream will come true, but when her plan is thwarted she discovers a side of her nature she never imagined.

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The Golden Door

A young Latina woman whose parents are illegal immigrants is planning to start her freshman year at the University of Alabama and to play on the women's soccer team when her life is disrupted by a new state law that will make it a crime for her parents to work and will prohibit her from attending the university.

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Outside the Gate

A woman confronts a parent's worst nightmare when her twelve-year-old daughter is kidnapped by human traffickers during a family vacation on a Caribbean island. As she works with police and the FBI and organizations whose mission is to rescue victims of sex slavery and rehabilitate them, she discovers another world outside the gate of the one she knew.

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Leave of Absence

A man escaping from his troubled life encounters the brutal reality beneath the surface of a tropical paradise. He becomes involved in local issues of social justice that begin to look as if they can be resolved only by violence, and he gets into situations where his life is at risk.

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Invisible Wounds

When Nora Malone, a college student, meets her fiancé at the bus station after his discharge from the army, he has no visible wounds from the war in Afghanistan. But soon he shows symptoms of a problem, and now after three years of dealing with the acrimonious separation of her parents, she has to deal with her fiancé’s invisible wound.

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Orphans of War

Rosario Suárez, an orphan of its civil war, returns to Guatemala with two missions: to teach in the school of her native village, and to find out what happened to her mother, who along with all the people in the village disappeared one night fifteen years ago. As soon as she starts asking questions she is warned by a powerful landowner not to pursue her investigation, and she realizes that he will do anything to prevent her from digging up the past.

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The Silver Locket

Esperanza Vargas is happily working along a path that overlooks the Hudson River, feeling safe because she's on a college campus, when suddenly from behind her a strong arm locks around her neck and chokes her unconcious. The next thing she knows, she's being raped by four guys, who have blindfolder her, gagged her, and stripped her naked. When they finally leave her, she reaches for the silver locket that she wears on a chain around her neck, but it's no longer there, and she can't find it. The missing locket eventually turns up in an unexpected way and offers the possibility of a reconciliation.

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Eden Valley

Lena McLean, who raises goats in a beautiful valley, confronts the discovery in the region of rich deposits of the sand used for oil fracking. The community is divided between those who want to sell their land for sand mining and people who want to preserve the environment. Taking a strong position against mining, Lena becomes the target of a large global organization that wants to exploit the frac sand deposits.

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The Godmother

Gina Moretti begins to worry when her goddaughter, Marisol, doesn’t come home from work at the usual time and doesn’t respond to text messages. With help from the local police, Gina and her husband determine that Marisol, who was adopted by her brother and his wife but was abandoned by them four years ago, has been lured by someone she met on the internet who claims to know where her birth mother is, and her trail leads to the city with the highest murder rate in the world.

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The Last Resort

Elsa Romero, a college professor, is attending a demonstration in New York City to protest the government’s immigration policies. Karl Reinholdt, a white nationalist, is standing across the street from her, displaying a sign that says MAKE AMERICA WHITE AGAIN. In response she displays a sign that says LOVE WILL PREVAIL. When a girl is suddenly killed by a gun shot, Elsa and Karl are brought together to deal with it.

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The Lineman

Danny O'Dwyer, who works as a lineman for the electric company, has an accident that makes him physically unable to continue working as a lineman. In losing this job, which he loves and has done for twenty-six years, he loses his identity and begins a downward trajectory that threatens to ruin his family despite the efforts of his wife Paola to help him and to save their marriage.

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The Lost Summer

After her sophomore year of college Brigid McBride spends the summer with her best friend Laura Hughes, living in New York City and demonstrating against the war in Vietnam. It’s the summer of 1968, a summer of love and violence. Brigid and Laura, who are nursing students, are sharing an apartment in the East Village with a Jesuit seminarian, who is their mentor. Brigid is in love with him, and she hopes she can get him to love her as she loves him.

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Milos and Amira

Milos and Amira are refugees from the war in Bosnia. Milos is a Serb, a Christian, and his family suffered losses from acts of violence committed against them by Bosniaks, the major ethnic group in their city. After losing his uncle in the war he was able to escape with his family and come to America. Amira is a Bosniak, a Muslim, and her family suffered losses from acts of violence committed against them by Serbs. After losing her mother in the war she was able to escape with her family and come to America. Five years later they are living in Yonkers with their families, and they have just begun their freshman year at St. Catherine College when terrorists destroy the World Trade Center.

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A Contrite Heart

As she is leaving for work one morning Catalina Rinaldi confronts a young man standing on the sidewalk in front of her building who addresses her with the alias she used in a crime against the military government in Argentina, many years ago. She is startled by the encounter, especially since the guy speaks English with the accent of someone from Argentina. So what does this guy want from her? Does he want to arrest her and take her back to Argentina where she will be justly punished for her crime? Does he want revenge?

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Blind in Granada

Jim Wyatt, a prominent state senator from Minnesota, is kidnapped on a visit to New York City by an Islamic human rights group who mistakenly believe he is a CIA agent. They are followers of a Muslim cleric who was convicted and imprisoned for inciting violence, and they give Jim a deadline to persuade the government to release the cleric, or else they will kill him. Convinced that the cleric is innocent, Jim tries to get him released, and while in confinement he examines his life and develops a relationship with the leader of his captors, a young woman named Zoraya.

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A Residue of Hope

Marika Bonetti is preparing dinner when she gets a phone call from the police informing her that the EMS has taken her daughter, Jessica, to the emergency room of the local hospital. Dropping everything, Marika drives to the hospital, where she learns that Jessica is in a coma from a drug overdose. As she prays for signs of recovery she wonders what she did wrong as a mother that has made her daughter repeatedly get into trouble. After all that has happened she still loves her daughter unconditionally, and she has a residue of hope for her, but her faith is challenged.

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Voices in Ramah

Emma Fernández lost her daughter in a school shooting in which a man with an assault weapon killed eleven children and their teacher plus the security guard. She copes with her loss by committing herself to the mission of getting Congress to ban assault weapons. She testifies before a House committee to support a bill that would ban such weapons, she joins two national organizations with gun-control missions, and she participates in a major demonstration in Washington to end gun violence. But Congress does nothing, and in the meantime there are almost two mass shootings per day in America. Finally, she devises a monstrous plot to get Congress to do something.

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