Books > The Lost Summer

Book Details

ISBN 978-1-7320634-7-1
Author Tom Milton
Publish Date 2021-01-01
Type Novel
Price 9.95

Book Description

After her sophomore year of college Brigid McBride spends the summer with her best friend Laura Hughes, living in New York City and demonstrating against the war in Vietnam. It’s the summer of 1968, a summer of love and a summer of violence when the nation is divided on the issue of the war. Brigid and Laura, who are nursing students, are sharing an apartment in the East Village with Kieran O’Donnell, a Jesuit seminarian who is planning an action against the draft board. Brigid is in love with him, and Laura is in love with a conscientious objector who fled to Canada to escape the draft. When they disagree on tactics Laura departs to join her boyfriend in Canada while Brigid remains at the apartment in the hope of getting Kieran to love her as she loves him.